Manufacture and assembly of a new pedestrian footbridge over the Eume river in As Pontes
June 20, 2023

As Pontes: Pedestrian footbridge
LAGO Estructuras has completed the manufacture and assembly of the steel structure of the new pedestrian footbridge over the river Eume, parallel to the Isabel II bridge in the municipality of As Pontes.
The structural typology adopted consists of a tubular latticework with a lowered arch, made up of a circular cross-section tube. It is an efficient and slender design with a free distance between supports of 33 metres. LAGO has carried out the engineering, manufacturing and assembly work at its facilities in Fene.
The tasks with 3D modelling, development of manufacturing drawings, quality procedures, assembly and welding, culminated with the installation of the footbridge in its final location (As Pontes). Find this process in the following images.
LAGO Estructuras has EXC-4 execution class according to EN-1090 standards and is certified in quality assurance according to UNE-EN ISO 9001.
The structural typology adopted consists of a tubular latticework with a lowered arch, made up of a circular cross-section tube. It is an efficient and slender design with a free distance between supports of 33 metres. LAGO has carried out the engineering, manufacturing and assembly work at its facilities in Fene.
The tasks with 3D modelling, development of manufacturing drawings, quality procedures, assembly and welding, culminated with the installation of the footbridge in its final location (As Pontes). Find this process in the following images.
LAGO Estructuras has EXC-4 execution class according to EN-1090 standards and is certified in quality assurance according to UNE-EN ISO 9001.